Sunday, June 8, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 77

I am grateful...
  1. That I woke up this morning clear headed.
  2. For a good parking spot.
  3. For NamaSteve and a really beautiful yoga practice on the beach this morning.
  4. That I got up instead of going back to sleep when everyone else bailed this morning.
  5. For the energy to wake up and do all the shit I needed to do today.
  6. For some inversions today that I couldn't do a few months ago.
  7. That my girls only care about my happiness.
  8. For really great friends who are there to support me and make sure I'm okay. 
  9. That Lisa put time and energy into fixing my dress. 
  10. For love. In all the ways it manifests into my life. 

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