Sunday, June 1, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 70

I am grateful...
  1. That I chose self care today and cancelled all my obligations. I'm working on listening to my body, and today it refused to rally.
  2. That Kellie understood that I was too exhausted to go to her yoga class. 
  3. That my mom got me a half birthday present. It doesn't matter what the present is (though it's probably good), she knows that I always wished to have a summer birthday instead of winter and indulges me in this way. What a good mom.
  4. That tomorrow is a new day. A brand new beginning in which anything is possible.
  5. I'm grateful for a shift in perception that makes me excited to begin again tomorrow instead of feeling negatively about today.
  6. That in 1.5 weeks I'll be in New York.
  7. That I received multiple texts from friends and fam today asking how I was. How wonderful it is to feel loved.
  8. That Derby is sleeping snuggled up to me as I type this list. What a lucky dog mama I am.
  9. For advice to always assume people are doing their best. This can be difficult for me but I'm willing to try.
  10. For friends being honest with me about the tough things. I know they are harsh because they love me and they want me to have what I deserve.  

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