Monday, May 26, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 64

I am grateful...
  1. That I woke up and did a 20 minute meditation followed by an hour of writing even though I wanted to go back to sleep.
  2. For all the men and women who have given their lives as well as the ones who continue to serve for their country. 
  3. To be spun around like a bird on the beach.
  4. To be invited to do stuff. It feels good to be included!
  5. For a day of sun on the beach.
  6. For quinoa and strawberries and delicious and healthy food. 
  7. For a compliment, "Your eyes are magical."
  8. That Derby was a good girl while I was gone all day.
  9. That Kellie is home safely from her trip.
  10. For a really kind, long, loving message from a girl friend. 

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