Sunday, May 18, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 56

I am grateful...
  1. For the ability to sleep in.
  2. For the new yogis who taught a great class at Core Power today.
  3. For all the firefighters around the county who have been working so tirelessly to keep us all safe. 
  4. That I got the truth out, even though it was difficult. 
  5. For the shower I'm about to take. 
  6. That my family is safe. 
  7. That when I'm not feeling so great I can look at my sister's instagram and smile at the beautiful photos of her kids. 
  8. That the sunset looks different every night, reminding me that each day is miraculous. 
  9. That AIDS Walk New York was a success.
  10. For an opportunity to spread kindness. 

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