Wednesday, May 21, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 58

I am grateful...
  1. That Greta can tell exactly how I'm feeling by my pins. 
  2. To spend a day with my grandma.
  3. For my grandma's wisdom and her humor.
  4. To Hairy and Merry for free doggy daycare so I could spend the day with my grandma without feeling guilty that Derby was home alone.
  5. That Derby had a blast all day playing with other dogs and getting exercise. 
  6. To my parents for gifting me tickets to the Padres game.
  7. For time with my girlfriends Kellie and Greta.
  8. That I got to spend some quality fun time with my sister without the kids for the first time I can remember (I absolutely love her kids, but it was nice to hang out with her sister to sister).
  9. For a lot of free delicious food.
  10. That my sister got home safe and sound. 

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