Saturday, April 12, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 20

  1. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to rest my body today because I really needed it. 
  2. I'm grateful that Derby was so cooperative with my day of rest.
  3. I'm grateful that I've made someone happy. 
  4. I'm grateful that when I get in bed tonight I'll have clean sheets and a clean body.
  5. I'm grateful to have had a long conversation with my best friend.
  6. I'm grateful for simple but sweet text messages from a friend letting me know he's thinking about me.
  7. I'm grateful that my copy of Miracles Now came in the mail last night and I'm excited to open it. 
  8. I'm grateful to know in my heart that I'm being taken care of. 
  9. I'm grateful that Kellie hugged me when I was breaking down.
  10. I'm grateful that my mom told me that when Sienna said her prayers tonight she said "And God bless Auntie Jen." 

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