Saturday, March 29, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 6

  1. I'm grateful that I had a really great conversation with my mom this morning in which we were able to really communicate openly. It was so nice.
  2. I'm grateful for a care package from my best friend, full of things I love.
  3. I'm grateful that late last night I was able to catch up and spend some quality time with my roommate.
  4. I'm grateful for Derby Blue and her loving snuggles.
  5. I'm grateful for a nice day and the chance to walk around in the sun.
  6. I'm grateful I woke up from a nightmare this morning to realize everything was okay.
  7. I'm grateful to spend some quality time with my favorite guy.
  8. I'm grateful to come down off of an uncomfortable coffee high.
  9. I'm grateful for a life saving heating pad I was able to borrow for a few hours!
  10. I'm grateful that my boyfriend was nurturing when I needed some help tonight. 

What are you grateful for?

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