Thursday, March 27, 2014

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 4

  1. I'm grateful that last night when I left Derby home alone for a few hours for the first time in a week she didn't get upset and poop on the carpet or eat the couch, she just hung out like a good little girl. 
  2. I'm grateful for Gabby Bernstein's Miracles Now lecture and all the synchro-destine things she said that I needed to hear.
  3. I'm grateful for signs that I'm on the right path.
  4. I'm grateful I finally did some work I've been putting off.
  5. I'm grateful I took the time to clear out space by getting rid of a pile of junk I've kept around.
  6. I'm grateful to me for taking care of myself.
  7. I'm grateful that this project has inspired others to be mindful of their own gratitude.
  8. I'm grateful for an hour long phone call about nothing with my best friend thousands of miles away.
  9. I'm grateful for a cool breeze and the sun on my face as I took a walk with Derb around my neighborhood today.
  10. I'm grateful for green tea and a comfy blanket. 

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